Lilypie Tracker


Monday, November 9, 2009

Jack in his Halloween costume!


Jack had a wonderful Halloween evening. He dressed up as the most adorable panda bear and my parents came up for a visit. It was a great weekend and here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

jack at the pumpkin patch...

Jack and the pumpkin patch!

Hi sorry it has been forever since our last post. We've been very busy bees this past month. I've included some photos of Jack's first pumpkin patch visit. He found a pumpkin he like (well we like it anyway) and he tried to eat it!

He is now over 4 months old and on his 4 month visit tot he pediatrician we found out that our litle guys is not so little anymore. He is whopping 17 1/2 lbs. and 27 1/2 inches long! He is already wearing clothes that are 6/9 months...

He is starting to sit up on his own (with a little help from mom and dad) but he hasn't really rolled over yet. He is very content when we put him on his back or his stomach and doesnt have the urge to roll to the other side just yet.

We bought him an exersaucer a few weeks ago and he is starting to get more and more use out of it. He sits it in and plays with all the toys around him.

Our latest excitement is the beginning of solid foods! We were given the green light from our pediatrician that he is a perfectly healthy little boy and that it would be okay to try him on some solid foods. So thats what we've been testing.

He doesn't really like rice cereal, i thinks its too bland for his taste buds. But we found two solids that he just loves... pears and applesauce!

Nonnie and Nonno are coming for a visit next week and will be here over Halloween. Nonnie has been working on a costume for Jack. I started to make the body of the suit when we were in Palm Springs and she finished up the head peice and everything else. He going to be a panda bear, so our next posting will probably show pictures of our little panda on Halloween!

Hope everyone is enjoying the fall!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Palm Springs and San Francisco!

Hello all,

Sorry it's been so long since our last post. We've had a very busy month with trips to both Palm Springs and San Francisco to visit the Nicolopulos side (Jamie's side of the family) and introduce Jack Ryan. He absolutely loved spending so much time in Palm Springs with Nonnie and Nonno and Big Nonnie (Jamie's Nonnie). He loved the water - as did Bentley!
Then San Francisco was a great visit for the rest of my family to finally meet Jack. He turned 3 months old while on our trip and I just can't believe how much time flies. He weighs 15 lbs. now and is 26 inches long! He is a big boy for 3 months... he is starting to sit-up (almost on his own) and is starting to enjoy tummy time more and more. He pushes himself up on his belly and looks up to see the world around him. He especially loves the Baby Einstein videos that Nonnie bought for him.

Here are some pictures of him in the water and with family...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Itsy Bitsy Spider!

Jack loves to be sung to and we think that he wants to sing back to us. Here is Itsy Bitsy Spider and Jack's reaction!

Jack is 2 months old!

Hello all,

So on Monday, Jack turned 2 months old. It is so crazy to believe that he arrived 2 months ago already. He is growing everyday, learning to do baby sit-ups and is doing better with Tummy Time. he didn't like it much at first.
At his 2 months doctors visit, he weighed 12 lbs. 8.5 ounces and was 24 1/2 inches long. He is 90% for height and 75% for weight. He is smiling a lot more now adays and we've even heard a few minor laughs, so we can't wait for really laughs and giggles to begin.

Here's a few updated pictures for you!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Jack's First Hike

Yesterday we decided to go on a hike at St. Edwards State Park. Nick had Bentley on the leash and I was carrying Jack in the Ergo Baby Carrier. Its was a nice little hike down to Lake Washington.

We walked along the water for awhile, then after some major persuasion, I convinced Nick to talk Bentley for a swim. They were having so much fun that I had to jump in (after handing Jack to Daddy ofcourse). Bentley and I swam a bit more then we all dried off and hiked back to the car. It was a really great day to get be outside and in the water. Needless to say, Bentley is completely tuckered out today.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jack's First Baseball game!

Here'a a few pics from Jack's first boating adventure on the Kathi and Mike Zittel's yacht! Haha not really a yacht, but the closest we will ever get to being on one! We went tubing and hung out all day on the water with our best friends Brenda, Jonny, Kayla, Alicia, Jeremy and Hanna!
Jack did so well and was really good while everyone held him. He sleeped alot so we were able to enjoy some time swimming and tubing.
Then Jack was tired so I snapped this shot of Nick reading a book to him before bedtime. He's such a wonderful Dad!